Hello! Again! I already said that on the landing page!

  My name is Randal, or capitalistboyfriend. I have been a Neocities Webmaster for nearly three years now! Somehow, you've stumbled upon my small, self-contained corner of the World Wide Web. WELCOME! On this website, you'll find my photography, reviews of things, detailed information about my electronics collection, fun internet things I'd like to share with you, like links, games, even videos, or music, and of course, *plenty* of stuff about me!

You are visitor number Hit Counter by Digits.net, enjoy your stay!
(Please keep in mind that this number may be minorly skewed by my refreshing during site development.)
This page was last updated: August 28, 2024.

Click the links below to navigate to where you'd like to go!

Reviews     My Electronics    My Photos    Fun Stuff    About Me
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All of the music possibly featured on this site belongs to Griffin McElroy.
You can find Griffin's bandcamp here.